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Posting an e-mail address is symbolized as an envelope and clicking on it will produce this:
You can type an e-mail into that line and it will become a clickable link to open the users default e-mail program with that address in the To: line.
which would result in [email protected]
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edited 12/27/08 07:47am by an administrator/moderator *
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Inserting an image into text symbolized as a postcard is the tool that allows you to insert a picture or graphic into the text portion of a message. Clicking on the postcard icon will produce this:
To do this, the picture or graphic must first be on a website open to public view at all times without requiring membership, signing in, etc. See Picture Host Information. Those are mainly hosts that provide space for albums. If you only want to post a single picture, I did a survey of some of those hosts and posted the results at Alternate Quick Picture Hosts. Some of those even allow you to post a click to enlarge "thumbnail" of the picture. This is important if the picture exceeds 800 pixels in width as explained in Screen resolution for pictures in text.
Using one of the Quick Hosts is easy and here are the usual steps:
1. Open the website (such as www.tinypic.com)
2. Click on Browse, find the picture in your computer and double click on it
3. Click on Host Picture, Upload, etc.
4. It will give a variety of URL formats. Look for the one that starts with "[IMG ]" and ends with "[/IMG]". Copy that entire URL and paste it into your message.
If your picture is at a website or Host, here are those steps:
1. At the source, enlarge the picture
2. Right click on it and select "Properties"
3. Triple click on the URL, right click again and select Copy
4. Make note of the Pixel size, i.e., 600x300
5. Open a Notepad (Programs/Accessories on your computer) and paste that URL and also enter the pixel sizes.
6. In a New Topic or a Reply, click on the picture icon that looks like a little postcard. Paste that complete URL in the top box. If the pixels are larger than 640 pixels in width and 480 pixels in height, enter one of those numbers in the appropriate box below the URL.
example: picture Properties indicates Pixels of 767x536 so entering 640 in the Width box will automatically correct the height to 447. Any larger width will force side scrolling for 800x600 resolution viewers and your post may be corrected or deleted on that basis.
7. Click Finish and then click on Preview in the tool bar (magnifying glass) to confirm it is as you want it to display.
Note: always hit your enter key before adding pictures after text so they end up on the next line by themselves. Also, the maximum width of pictures posted again is not to exceed 800 pixels, 640 is even better. This includes the total of multiple pictures per line so please add them up. One thing that forces extra width on posting pictures is not posting them on a line by themselves.
You can make your own "click to enlarge" and that is a link to the steps. Basically it is using the Link Editor and putting the URL of the enlargement in top box and the URL of the thumbnail in the lower box or Description.
You can embed a link in a graphic or thumbnail of a picture using the above "click to enlarge" steps by using the Links Editor and putting the website URL in the top box and the picture URL in the bottom box or Description.
The above steps are also explained in Giving a link to a website, photo album, topic or reply within this forum
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edited 12/02/12 11:22am by an administrator/moderator *
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Bulleted or numbered lists. Clicking on this icon will open an editor box like this to insert your text to be formatted.
As you can see, it includes the instruction to insert two colons like this "::" to indicate separation.
and it will do this:
- Line one
- Line two
- line three
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* This post was
edited 12/27/08 07:48am by an administrator/moderator *
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Indent and spacing. Clicking on this icon will open up an editor box like this
This will indent the items listed only without the bullets and you have a choice of "ul" or "ol" for the same effect. "[ul]" or "[ol]" turns it on, "[/ul]" or "[/ol]" turns them off.
which will produce:
Simple Indent: Preceding a line with the List code of "[ul]" or "[ol]" will do a line space before and after it but indenting approximately 10 spaces.
[ul]indented 10 spaces[/ul] results in:
Note: if you do not put the "[/ul]" or "[/ol]" following your text, all following it will also be indented. Here is an example:
Consider the auk;
Becoming extinct because he forgot how to fly, and could only walk.
Consider man, who may well become extinct
Because he forgot how to walk and learned how to fly before he thinked.
Ogden Nash
Spacing: You can use the 4UMS code space=number in brackets to create spaces. As a practical example, type this:
resulting in: space 1 space 2 space 3
(note: please limit numbers to two digits)
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* This post was
edited 12/27/09 06:19am by an administrator/moderator *
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Clicking on the Smiley will open a window with an assortment of the 17 that can be inserted into a message. Here they are:
: ) = Smile : C = Cool (sunglasses)
; ) = Wink : E = Eek
: D = Grin : M = Mad (red)
: ( = Frown : P = Tongue
: O = Embarrassed (red) : R = Rolling eyes
: ? = Confused : W = Animated wink
: B = Big grin : Z = Sleeper
Added 3/1/07:
: @ = ??? : S = Doh : h = Scratch Head
for the purpose of these examples, I put a space between the characters for demonstration purposes. They work with either upper or lower case. Note the similarity between them as a colon always precedes each character. That should make it easier to remember don't you think?![biggrin [emoticon]](http://www.coastresorts.com/sharedcontent/cfb/images/biggrin.gif)
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edited 11/23/08 04:28pm by an administrator/moderator *
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The Help icon will open a window with examples of how to use the 4UMS code.
* This post was
edited 11/20/08 06:48am by an administrator/moderator *


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This topic is closed as it is informational only. Feel free however to post a new topic to ask your questions or experiment. That's what this forum is all about. ![biggrin [emoticon]](http://www.coastresorts.com/sharedcontent/cfb/images/biggrin.gif)
Dick M.


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member JasonD pointed out a unique problem posting in RV.Net, that of using angle brackets, otherwise known as the greater than or less than symbols.
The results of some testing I did on them indicates their use should be avoided.
Think of the "less than" or left pointing bracket as a switch that turns not only itself off but all words following it. Now think of the "greater than" or right pointing bracket as the opposite switch that turns them back on. Surprisingly the right bracket preceeding a word turns it off too!
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* This post was
edited 09/08/07 09:49am by RVSnowbird *


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"Note: Due to invalid formatting, all formatting has been ignored." will appear as a footnote below a post that has a 4UMS code error. The cause of this is an illegal use of brackets as they are exclusive to the formatting code only. When this happens, it will disregard all formatting in the final post, jumbling it all together. The original post will be intact however in Edit mode for correction. Here's what to look for:
1. Brackets cannot be used alone or with words.
2. Missing or an extra bracket.
3. All 4UMS code "tags" act like a switch. For example, a "[b]" turns on bold text and a "[/b]" turns it off. If a code is turned on and not turned off, an invalid formatting error will result.
In all cases, it is recommended that members click on Preview, symbolized as the on the toolbar to check the text before posting.
If after posting you cannot locate the error, click on Notify Moderator for assistance.
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* This post was
edited 12/27/09 06:33am by an administrator/moderator *