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RE: New Camping Stove Needed
I found two Coleman gas stoves at a yard sale one built in 1976 the other in 1966. The 1976 just needed cleaned and runs fine, had to replace the valve/generator assembly on the 1966 model # 413G. Used it on a couple day camping trip and could not have been happier. I know you want propane but I love the old gas burners. Jim.
11/10/23 03:33am |
Family Camping
RE: Robot Tolls - At My Limit!
Probably ten or so years ago I got a bill for a toll from a license plate reader in Ney York state. I have never been in NYS and don't ever plan to be there, sent a letter explaining that back to NYS. They were not convinced and sent another letter saying I would be charged a $25.00 PENALY IF NOT PAID.
At that time I lived in Illinois and the DMV's were no help, couldn't help me. NY now sent a picture of the plates taken at the toll station. The plate number was the same number of a vehicle I had owned in the past. I was able to find a picture of the old "CAR" clearly showing the plate as a passenger car plate. The picture from NY clearly showed the plate was from a class "B" truck and obviously not the same.
Turns out Illinois uses the same numbers on different class plates only with the class shown on plate. I sent both sets of pictures back to NY with an explanation and an invoice for $25.00 for wasting my time and educating them on Illinois licensing system. Never heard anything back from them. Jim.
10/25/23 05:27am |
General RVing Issues